Trading Card Definitions
There is not one perfect way for defining what is and isn’t a true rookie card. What some collectors might consider to be a true rookie card, others would not. So, in the case of this database please refer to our definitions below:
"TRUE" ROOKIE CARD - 5 Point Checklist
FIRST: The first released official MMA trading card of the fighter.
BASE CARD: The be considered a “True Rookie” the card must be a base card from a given major MMA set, not an insert, parallel, redemption, print to order card or other “special” card.
If a fighter has multiple cards, his plain or normal base card will be determined as the “rookie” card over subset entries.
LICENSED: The trading card set is licensed by the Mixed martial Arts promotion company.
MAJOR: The fighter’s card is issued by a major card company, as opposed to small, niche, or even unlicensed brands.
NATIONALLY DISTRIBUTED: Widely distributed and easily available.
2010 Leaf MMA #72
Released: September 22, 2010
Rookie Card:
The set is not licensed.
2012 Topps UFC Bloodlines #23
Released: December 7, 2012
Rookie Card:
Meets the True Rookie Card definitions.
A fighter's "1st Autograph" card is the first autograph card in a regular issued, fully-licensed card set that is primarily focused on current MMA fighters
2010 Leaf MMA #72
Released: September 22, 2010
1st Autograph Card:
The set is not licensed.
2012 Topps UFC Bloodlines Set
Released: December 7, 2012
1st Autograph Card:
Meets the True Rookie Card definitions.
The Rookie Card / 1st Autograph Card database contain only information on Licensed trading cards. The pictures contained are of the base card, and where base example is not available a parallel version will be used.
Multiple Auto Card: The fighter has more than one 1st Auograph card.
No Auto Card: No licensed Autograph Card exists for the fighter.
No Base Card: No Licensed base exists for the fighter.
Need Photo: The Base Card and or 1st Autograph exits, but there is no photograph example in the database.